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duwich', duwich'a n honey K'eelit na' duwich'a baanaw. I spread honey on the bread. (sem. domains: - Food from animals, 6.4.4 - Beekeeping, - Terms of endearment.)

xoyosh, xoyooshi n horn (of animal) Jawwan dooro'on xoyosh. The bull's horns are hard. Loolut na' dooro'on xoyooshi teseech'iw. I hung the bull's horns on the door.

sopopo', sopopo'on n horned toad Holosh'an' sopopo' sheleelaw. The horned toad is sitting on the rock. Ta'ishta' na' sopopo'on. I saw the horn-toad.

gawayu, gawaayu', gawaayu'un n horse Gawaayu' nim 'ayax. My horses are fast. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)

bodniiya', bodniiya'an n horse (young) Xatit bodniiya' shokooya. The young horse ate grass. Beeleta' naa'an bodniiya'an. We all fed the young horse. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)

hospital, hospitla n hospital Mich hospital k'oti'. The hospital is really big. Di'ishta' 'aman hew hospitla. They built a hospital here.

xap'eelat, xap'eelata' n hot (to become) Xap'eelat. It is getting hot. Xap'eelata' na'. I felt hot.

xo', xo'o n house Xo' nim 'ooch'iy'. My house is nearby. Walxon' may' 'am xo'o. We are passing his house.

shaamish, shaamishi n house (traditional) Shaamish dullaw. The traditional house is up in the mountain. Di'ishta' 'aman shaamisi heyema 'alit. They built the traditional house a long time ago.

xo'o di'sham' n house builder