mondet, mondeta' v gamble Mondet na' nim k'eexa'an. I gambled my money. Mondeta' na' nim k'eexa'an. I gambled my money. (sem. domains: - Gambling.)
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woy'en, woy'ena n garden Boyeemat 'am woy'en. Her garden is beautiful. Saw'ta' woy'ena. He watered the garden.
yolownit, yoloowinta' v gather Chipne' yolownit. The spirits gathered. Yoloowinta' 'aman 'am tisha'taw. They gathered at his birthday.
low'niwshat, low'niwshata' v gather (to celebrate at a party) Low'nishat 'aman 'am tisha'taw. They gathered at his birthday. Low'niwshata' 'aman Tishamyuw. They gathered at Spring time.
yoloowit, yolowta' v gather something (cf. collect, pick, harvest) Yoloowit na' bayna. I gathered up some acorns. Yolowta' na' t'appashi. I gathered up the leaves.
goobit, gobto' v gather something, 1 (cf. collect, pick, harvest) Goobit na'an bayna. We gathered the acorn Gobto' na' k'uyk'u maamila. I gathered sweet berries.
labayit, labayta' v gather something, 2 (cf. collect, pick, harvest) Labayit 'aman maamila. They gathered blackberries. Labayta' na' galiide'en. I gathered watercress.
'et, 'eeta' v get Et na' xaalu'un. I got the bowl. Ohom' na' 'eeta' sheedina. I didn't get the wild onions.
wulhanit, wulhanta' v get knocked down Wulhanit gullal'. The fence was knocked down. Utu' wulhanta'. The tree was knocked down.
lak'wunut, lak'wunta' v get off Yet' simiiya' lak'wunut 'ilk'aw. One seed fell in the water. Lak'wunta' na' sheleelaw. I got off the rock.