xaalu', xaalu'un n cup, bowl Ch'alnit xaalu'. The bowl broke. Ipista' xaalu'un. She threw away the bowl.
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hoyo'lat, hoyo'lata' v cure Hoyo'lat dokton' 'amaamin. The doctor cured them. Dokton' hoyo'lata' nan. The doctor cured me.
yuxulut, yuxulta' v curl Yuxulut 'amshilshi. She curled her hair. Yuxulta' min shilshi. She curled your hair. (sem. domains: - Hairstyle, 7.3.5 - Turn something, - Wave, - Roll up.)
shilwinit, shilwinta'₁ v curly Shilwinit 'am shilish. Her hair is curly.
yuxayich', yuxaych'i n curly one Shilish 'am yuxayich'. Her hair is curly. Yatta' na' yuxaych'i. I talked to the curly one.
chishit, chishta' v cut Chishit na' wech'eeta. I cut the stick. Chishta' 'aman ch'eepina. They cut the cedar.
dihlit, dihilta' v cut (with scissors) Dihlit na' bobbila. I cut the paper. Dihilta' 'ama' nim shilshi. She cut my hair.
nalt'it, nalit'ta' v cut in half Nalt'it na' bobbila. I cut the paper in half. Nalit'ta' 'ama' gayeeda'an. She cut the cookie in half.
lasit, lasta' v cut, 2 (with an axe) (cf. chop) Lasit na' 'utu'un. I cut the tree (with an axe). Lasta' kamna'an hedeesha. He cut the dry wood.
t'inhana', t'inhana'an n dam K'aminta' t'inhana'. The dam dried up. Ta'shit aman t'inhana'an. They saw the dam. (sem. domains: - Conveying water, 6.6.7 - Working with water, - Controlling water, - Block, dam up, - Fishing equipment.)