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hashwinit, hashwinta'₁ adj dead Sanum hashwinit. Soon he was dead. Ama' cheexa' hashwinta' 'alit. That dog died a while ago.

dank'ana', dank'ana'an adj deaf Ta'ishta' dank'ana' ka'yu'un. The deaf person saw the coyote. Amilta' 'aman dank'ana'an. They helped the deaf person. (sem. domains: - Musician, - Deaf.)

xilit, xil'ta' v deal cards

deebewush, deebewshi n debt Ch'awalata' 'amdebewush denderow. He paid his debt in the store. (sem. domains: - Lose wealth, - Repay debt, 6.8.5 - Borrow, - Owe, - Atone, restitution, - Forgive.)

xoy', xooyi n deer Xatta' xoy' shokooya wolomiw. The deer ate grass in the meadow. Mehle' na' mi'in xooyi. I'm going to carry the deer on my back. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)

wot'oowit, wo'toowita n deergrass Bohlo' wot'oowit hidyaw. Deergrass grows everywhere. Shoogut na' wot'oowita. I pulled out the deergrass.

shit'i', shit'i'in adj delicious (cf. taste good) Bech'eech'at shit'i' xatash lameesaw. The delicious food is cooling down on the table. Gosneenota' shit'i'in xataashi. She cooked delicious food.

shepwash, shepwashi n design (e.g. for a basket, tattoo) Gay'sine' ta'an shepwashi weebinaw. He likes the tattoo on his arm.

sepwas, sepwasi n design (on a basket, tattoo) Gay'sine' ta'an sepwasi 'am t'eewishaw. She likes the design on her basket.

chokyot, chokyoto' v diarrhea (to have one) Ohom' da' 'oyiisat. Chokyot. He's not happy. He's having diarrhea. Tanmixta' 'aman taa noch'o' hospitlaw, halaada' chokyoto'. They took that boy to the hospital, because he had diarrhea.