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huuya', huuya'an n caterpillar Balash'an' huuya' t'appashiw. The catterpillar crawled on the leaf. Xatta' Sandy huuya'an. Sandy ate huuya.

'ilip', 'ilpa n cave Mich k'oti' 'ilip. The cave is really big. Ta'ishta' 'aman 'ilpa. They saw the cave.

ch'eepin', ch'eepina n cedar Bohlo' ch'eepin' dullaw. Cedar trees grow on the mountain. Chishta' ch'eepina. He cut the cedar (tree). (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

hulushhuy', hulushhuya n chair Sasyinit hulushhuy'. The chair broke. Oy'eta' na' hulushhuya. I moved the chair.

'oy'et, 'oy'eta' v change Oy'et na' nim gamiisha'an. I changed my shirt. Oy'eta' 'am jageeda'an. He changed his jacket.

yawaalit, yawalta' v chase Yawalta' gaadu' shidgila. The cat chased the squirrel. Yawalta' na' gaadu'un. I chased the cat. (sem. domains: - Chase away, 6.4.1 - Hunt, - Track an animal, 7.2.6 - Pursue.)

hijma', hijma'an adj cheap Hijma' min loowit. Your husband is cheap. Panaamixit lowto hijma'an. She brought her cheap husband.

naaway', naawayi n cheek Shidgilin naaway' k'oteehat. The squirrel's cheek got bigger. Yawalta' cheexa' naawayi. The dog chased the squirrel.

keesu', keesu'un n cheese Hi' keesu' mich jajil'. This cheese is very sour. Gay'sine' na' keesu'un. I like cheese.

pi'ish, pi'shi n chest Taxeetaxon' 'am pi'ish. His chest has been aching.