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taxnit, taxinta' v come Heleenit taxnit ma'? Where did you come from? Mi'in 'ama' taxinta' Siksika'. Then came Stinkbug.

yo'ket, yo'keta' v come back (cf. return) Mi'in yo'keta' 'ama' weelam'. Then he came back with the light.

tishit, tishta' v come out (cf. appear) Tishit k'osoy' 'am shoyxow. The mouse came out of its hole. Tishta' 'aman mosow. They came out of the sweat house.

dandanyat, dandanyata' v confused (sem. domains: - Disorganized, - Confused, - Dazed, confused.)

'alaapa', 'alaapa'an adj confused Odibta' 'alaapa' noono' teseech'i. The confused man open the door. Ta'ishta' na' 'alaapa'an noono'on. I saw the confused man. (sem. domains: - Disorganized, - Confused, - Dazed, confused.)

wilch'init, wilch'inta' v continue to do something (cf. keep doing something) Wilch'init sawit taa p'ay'. That child continued screaming. Kim wilch'inta' lihimta'. Kim continued running.

gosneenot, gosneenota' v cook Gosneenot na' hoona. I cooked eggs. Gosneenota' na' limna. I cooked acorn drink.

gosneeno', gosneeno'on n cook, chef Walpe' gosneeno' xata'hiyaw. The cook arrives early at the restaurant. Meejinta' 'aman ch'awalta' tan gosneeno'on. They paid the chef a lot.

shupyut, shupuyta' v cool down Shupyut manaw. It cooled down outside. Shupuyta' dullaw. It cooled down at the mountain.

shopooyut, shopooyuta' v cool down something Shopooyut na' hihoolo'on. I cooled down the beans.